Aluminum sorting Separating machine refers to the machine that can be used to sort/ separate the non-ferrous metal aluminum, generally used to sort the metal aluminum from the scrap non-ferrous metal crushing material, the common Scrap aluminum separator machine in the market according to its different principles of sorting the non-ferrous metal aluminum, can be roughly divided into color sorting machine for Aluminum, eddy current Aluminum sorting separating machine, gravity aluminum sorting separating machine and other three.
Before, the non-ferrous metal aluminum in the scrap metal crushing material was basically selected manually. With the development of the process, gravity sorting and color sorting were adopted in the later stage to separate aluminum. About 10 years later, with the promotion of eddy current sorting machine, aluminum was selected with it.

Because the non-ferrous metal aluminum in the scrap metal crushing material state is different (sheet, block), the material diameter is also very different (aluminum chips, aluminum blocks) and other USES of the process is also different, the most advanced and the best sorting effect processing capacity is the largest vortex current aluminum separator.
Using eddy current to choose aluminum machine for aluminium is by far the most popular and the best effect of the equipment, mainly USES the eddy current magnetic separator roll are produced in the effect of alternating magnetic field of high speed, the non-ferrous metal aluminum under the effect of magnetic field produces a mirror image magnetic field, eddy current reaction to produce aluminum in the mirror with magnetic roller magnetic separator magnetic field under the action of repelling force pop up from the material, so as to make the aluminum and other materials of non-metal material high effective separation.